Posts Tagged ‘Samuel R. Caldwell’

The First Pot POW

Reblogged from NORML.  I actually was unaware of this before reading it today.  I’m wondering how many of you out there knew about it?  Crazy to think how quickly things can change over one poor judgement call.

The First Pot POW

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After a decade of U.S. government scare propaganda that convinced Americans that crazed Mexicans, blacks and fans of jazz clubs were pushing marijuana “reefers” on school children and honest youths, turning them into raving murderers, politicians decided to act.

The First Pot POW

The U.S. Congress passed the Marijuana Tax Stamp Act. Growing and selling marijuana were still legal, but only if you bought a $1 government stamp. And that stamp was not for sale.

On the day the Marijuana Tax Stamp Act was enacted — Oct. 2, 1937 — the FBI and Denver, Colo., police raided the Lexington Hotel and arrested Samuel R. Caldwell, 58, an unemployed labourer and Moses Baca, 26. On Oct. 5, Caldwell went into the history trivia books as the first marijuana seller convicted under U.S. federal law. His customer, Baca, was found guilty of possession.   Continue reading