Cannabis Species

Species of Marijuana

There are three main species of marijuana: sativa, indica and ruderalis.


Sativa varieties generally give you a more cerebral, energetic high.  They have longer, skinnier leaves.

English: Cannabis sativa, Cannabaceae, Cannabi...


The Indica varieties of marijuana are well-known for their narcotic-like, sedative, “couch lock” high.  They are fatter, heartier plants.  They do well in colder climates.

cannabis indica


Ruderalis varieties of marijuana are auto-flowering.  It doesn’t even matter what light cycle you grow them under.  They flower based on their age.  They are faster produces.  However, they tend to give you a headache and are not considered medical grade.

Cannabis ruderalis

2 responses to this post.

  1. […] just quickly go over some points, we’ve discussed so far on growing your medical marijuana plants.  Then, we’ll move on to bigger and better grow […]


  2. […] hydroponics.  This makes sense, right?  Water is the medium you are using to grow your medical marijuana […]


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